Jonathan Shayfer
For generations, the character, culture and history of Native American people has been misunderstood, falsified and distorted. These images strive to redress that imbalance. This gallery is the culmination of twenty years of research and travel and interactions with indigenous people including elders, musicians, artists, traders, activists and veterans. Through the medium of photo-montage and the blatant manipulation of American icons, these images speak to us of betrayal and segregation, community and tradition, spirituality and hope, protest and survival.
This mixed media artwork was collated for an exhibition in west London; it has also been on display at Sinte Gleska college in South Dakota. The main purpose was to depict the First Nations as unique and resourceful people who did not die out when forced onto reservations but who have impacted the continent and continue to persevere and even thrive despite assimilation and a host of modern pressures. Hence, the title 'We Were Always Here.'
Below are a few websites that should prove to be a valuable resource in adding to an understanding and awareness of the lifeways and traditions of First Nations people.
If you would like to learn more about life in contemporary Native America, click here.
If you would like to learn more about culture and artwork among Native peoples, click here.
If you would like to learn about First Nations history and craftwork, click here.
If you would like to learn more about lifeways of the Lakota people, click here.
If you would like to learn more about Indigenous politics and ecology, click here.